鹿児島大学 共同獣医学部獣医学科 病態予防獣医学講座 新興感染症学研究室


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Here, at the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, we are studying the ticks’ genes, its protein, and its immune system in able to establish newer control strategies to control tick and tick-borne diseases. So far we have identified and elucidated the physiological function of some tick molecules and its interaction with tick-borne pathogens at the gene and protein level. We employ the use of modern molecular techniques and equipment in the conduct of our research. In our aim to be one of the top arthropod research center in the world, we travel to different countries to monitor its situation and reflect it in our research themes. It is also an opportunity for us to interact with our counterparts abroad.


Let us explore the molecular world of ticks and tick-borne pathogens! For graduate students, we could provide support and guidance in the preparation and conduct of your research. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact us.

大学院生 Graduate student

(鹿児島大学大学院 共同獣医学研究科)


●受験資格 1. 医・歯・獣医系6年制学部卒業または卒業見込みの方 2. 生物系、理工学系、薬学系などの修士課程修了または修了見込みの方 ●日本学生支援機構の奨学金制度、授業料免除等もあり、経済的な支援があります。●ティーチングアシスタント(TA)・リサーチアシスタント(RA)制度があります。両方受給することで年間35~50万円支給されます。また、専門学校での非常勤講師のアルバイトもできます。●当大学院には、国際学会への派遣助成制度もあります。(Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Kagoshima University) ●The period of education: 4 years (3 years, for outstanding student)

●"Teaching assistant (TA)" or "Research assistant (RA)" are available for graduate students.

●Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Nedicine, Kagoshima University partly supports attendance to international conferences.

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